Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Trouble Moving Up

I woke up this morning and thought it would be a good idea to play some .50/$1 NL. I dropped 2 buyins in my first 150 hands and got about half a buyin back in my next 200 hands before switching back to my normal limit of .25/.50. I finished my day with around 700 hands of .25/.50 where I lossed another buyin.

I'm very surprised how incredibly different the people play at .50/$1 then .25/.50. WAAAY more 3-bets go down preflop and my opponents just seem all together more aggressive. I really feel in control of the table when I play .25/.50 but the exact opposite is true at .50/$1. I need to train myself to play the same at all limits and quit being a pussy. Its not necessarily the money that makes me play different but for some unknown reason when I play .50/$1 I feel like I need to make more moves or whatever, and I seem to stack off really light. Here is a hand that just makes me want to puke when I look back on it. http://www.pokerhand.org/?1345933

I like my 3-bet preflop but I think calling is fine too. After he checks on the flop I also like my bet but after he puts in the reraise to $45 its SUCH an easy fold. When I play higher stakes then what im used to I have a bad habit of assuming my opponents are putting moves on me. My flop shove is sooooo terrible i cant even begin to explain. After the check raise on the flop I should have put my opponents range on atleast JJ+, and 2 overs and the flush draw. I have absolutely no equity against this range and ZERO fold equity. Looking back on this hand it just looks like I wanted to give my last $87 away.

I need to learn a lesson from this hand while at the same time completely erasing it from my memory. I dont really have much to do tomorrow so I plan on getting alot of poker in. Im going to try and play about 1500 hands of .25/.50 and if im killing it I might take another shot at .50/$1.

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